
10 Benefits of Sago

  10 Benefits of Sago Often, people eat more of the dish made of sago in fasting days. If you also like to eat dishes made of sago, then you should know these 10 health benefits of sago. Body heat control - According to a research, sago helps to keep you fresh, and when used with rice, it reduces body heat. In diarrhea – Due to upset stomach and or any reason when diarrhea occurs, then the pudding made of sago without adding milk proves to be very effective and gives immediate relief. Blood pressure - Potassium found in sago improves blood circulation and controls it, which keeps blood pressure under control. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for the muscles. Stomach problem - Eating sago proves to be very beneficial in the stomach due to any type of problem, and it also benefits in problems of gas, indigestion, etc. by correcting the digestive process. Energy source - Sago is a very good source of carbohydrate which is very helpful in providing immediate and necessary e

Are Your Teeth Also Losing Shine?

Are Your Teeth Also Losing Shine? The secret of the beautiful face is not just the shiny hair or skin free from blemishes, but also the white teeth, the smile of your face is also the identity of beauty. When the teeth are yellow, neither you can laugh nor you can smile in front of everyone. The most troublesome thing is that your wrong tooth brushing, eating habits and lifestyle. Wrong eating habits also make the teeth yellow like tea, coffee and excessive consumption of soft drinks also turn the teeth yellow. Apart from this, teeth become yellow due to consumption of tobacco and liquor etc. or due to lack of cleanliness.                                                      based on discussion with  Dr. Akanksha Agarwal Main cause of lost teeth whitening Wrong eating habits are the main cause of yellowish teeth. Along with this in order to bring more whitening and shining in the teeth, people get treatment, which make the colour of teeth even more dangerous. Sometimes, a drug called t