
Showing posts with the label parenting tips

Is your child suffering from speech-language disorder?

Is your child suffering from speech-language disorder? Babies start trying to speak as soon as they are 10 or 11 months old. However, some children do not speak properly even after they grow up. His voice is not clearly understood even when he tries to speak a little bit. Such a problem is called Speech-Language Disorder. In such a situation, parents should not be disturbed. Rather, the child's speech-language therapy should be done. By this the child's problem will go away and he too will start speaking like normal children. discussed with speech therapist What is a speech-language disorder? A child with speech-language disorder has every difficulty in speaking. While talking, such children face problems in necessary pronunciation, voice etc. Two types of speech-language disorder Apraxia In apraxia, the child has trouble moving the tongue, lips, or jaw. The child knows what he wants to say, but the brain is not able to keep pace with the muscle needed to speak. With

Each child should know the Dining etiquette

 Each child should know the Dining Etiquette Our way of talking, sitting and walking, everything is depend on our upbringing and education. When you go out anywhere then you always carry your rites together. Everybody notice that how are you talking with others, how’s your sitting way and most of the important thing is that what are types of dining etiquette in you. Often, you think whatever you will teach to your children they will follow, but it does not happen. You are following the manners in every sense but your children are not following. Sometime you feel angry but if you will think deeply about it, you are responsible for this somewhere. If you keep them properly attached to the rules of etiquette from the beginning, it will be good. Let us expand our information on table etiquettes a little further in this sequence. Explain with love The language of love is very easy to understand. This applies to everyone. Whether it is a child or a grown up. If you start giving advice to

Never make children do housework by luring money

Never make children do housework by  luring money Raising children is a different experience in itself. However, it is also involved in the world's most difficult processes. As children get older, they become more difficult to handle. It makes them equally challenging to do school and home related work. Children who do not show interest in them, often make them work by luring money. However, not all people consider such a method to be long term and ethically and morally correct.  It is important to consider these aspects before adopting this strategy: Should pay the child for every household job? It is necessary that minor household chores should be done from a young age. The complexity of work can be increased with age. It can be started from the age of 6-7 years when it is right to entrust them with the responsibility of handling toys or their clothes. When children slightly older, they can clean their room, cupboards and the table after having food. In adolescence, they ca

Is your child not eating properly?

Is your child not eating properly? Children are not ready to eat easily and this is the main reason of their weakness. Due to this, they also come in the grip of many diseases quickly. There are many reasons of lack of appetite like more consumption of fast food, child not feeling well, cold, cough, fever, lack of sleep or choosy for particular food and this problem is also found in those children whose parents also eat less. If you too are troubled by the problem of children not feeling hungry then here are some home remedies to try to overcome your problem. Read it to know what you should do and what not to do. Home Remedies to increase kid’s appetite   Keep Fast Food Away According to doctors, fast food and junk food kill the appetite. Due to high amount of calories found in fast food and junk food, children begin to feel hungry and they keep searching for excuses not to eat. So, keep away your children from junk food. The habit of childhood is useful throughout the life, so you

Are you also worried about increasing screen time ?

Are you also worried about increasing screen time ? We all agree that screen time for each of us has increased during the lockdown. Online meetings or online classes have become a routine of everyone’s life. Even the TV & mobile uses hours are more than previous, we cannot blame OTT or social platforms for this, it is the one of the easiest option available. But at the end, our eyes (specially our children’s) and body are getting affected from multiple health problems. These days, doctors have a lot of complaints about eye problems. Parents are concerned about their children. Therefore, they have to go to seek medical advice. According to Dr. Neha, children should reduce their screen time a bit because due to more screen time, children has started facing many problems. For example, sometimes headaches, irritation of eyes due to dryness, weakness of vision, heaviness in the brain, etc. Sitting posture – Do not look at the laptop and mobile phone while you are lying down. Alw

कहीं आपका बच्‍चा बिस्‍तर तो गीला नहीं करता

कहीं आपका बच्‍चा बिस्‍तर तो गीला नहीं करता अक्‍सर छह से सात वर्ष की उम्र के बच्‍चों में रात को बिस्‍तर गीला करने की आदत होती है। यह आदत बच्‍चों के साथ अभिभावकों के लिए भी चिंता का विषय होता है। दिल्‍ली विश्‍वविद्यालय  की मनोवैज्ञानिक अशुम गुप्‍ता का कहना है कि कम उम्र में बच्‍चों को बिस्‍तर गीला करने की आदत के पीछे कई कारण होते हैं। अभिभावक अक्‍सर उस वजह को समझ ही नहीं पाते हैं , जिसके कारण बच्‍चा बिस्‍तर गीला करता है। यदि बच्‍चा रात को बिस्‍तर गीला करता है तो उसकी सबसे बड़ी वजह यह होती है कि उसका ब्‍लडर कंट्रोल कमजोर होता है। इस वजह से बच्‍चा बाथरूम को रोक पाने में असमर्थ हो जाता है और बिस्‍तर कब गीला हो जाता है उसे पता ही नहीं चलता। इससे बचने के लिए अभिभावकों को चाहिए कि वे बच्‍चों की शारीरिक जांच करवाएं ताकि समय पर किए गए इलाज से बच्‍चा परेशानी का सामना करने से बच जाएं। इसके अलावा अभिभावकों द्वारा स्‍पर्श , प्‍यार और बचपन से सही प्रकार की ट्रेनिंग नहीं मिलने के कारण बच्‍चे अक्‍सर इस बीमारी का शिकार हो जाते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्‍त बिस्‍तर गीला करने पर अभिभावक द्वारा बच्‍चों

मम्‍मी, मुझे डर लग रहा है !

मम्‍मी , मुझे डर लग रहा है ! डर यदि आपके बच्‍चे के मन में कब्‍ज़ा कर रहा है तो आप तुरंत एक्टिव हो जाइए। क्‍योंकि इससे आपके बच्‍चे की पर्सनैलिटी प्रभावित हो सकती है। बच्‍चे में डर कैसे आता है  दिल्ली के प्रसिद्ध मनोवैज्ञानिक डॉ मनमोहन सिंह कहते हैं कि बच्‍चे में डर खुद से नहीं आता और न ही जन्‍म से होता है , बल्कि यह डर बच्‍चे में हमारे द्वारा लाया हुआ होता है। जब कभी हम अपने बच्‍चे को कुछ काम करने के लिए कहते हैं और वह हमारी बात नहीं मानता है , तो हम उसे कहते हैं कि अगर तुम नहीं करोगे , तो मैं तुम्‍हें कमरे में बंद कर दूंगी। जहां तुम्‍हें भूत आकर खा जाएगा या फिर झोली वाला बाबा तुम्‍हें उठा ले जाएगा या सो जाओ नहीं तो भूत आ जाएगा। इस तरह हम बच्‍चे के दिल और दिमाग में भूत नामक वस्‍तु का डर बिठा देते हैं। मन में बैठा डर बच्‍चा तब महसूस करता है , जब वह अंधेरे में अकेला होता है। कैसे भगाएं बच्‍चे का डर   ·         बच्‍चे को महसूस कराएं कि अंधेरे में कोई भूत नहीं होता और वह सुरक्षित है।                                                               ·         आप बच्‍