Excess use of mobile phones are detrimental

Excess use of mobile phones are detrimental

Whether our phone rings or not, we constantly use mobile several times a day to check messages, what’s up and social sites which are harmful both mentally and physically.

People Using the Mobile Phone, Surf the Internet, Play the Game and Use the  App by NewLine_Seller

The growing passion of youth towards mobile which is proving to be harmful to their health. With the excess use of mobile, what kind of diseases does the body has to face, let us know –

Sleeping disorder

Several studies have concluded that excessive use of mobile phones causes sleep-related problems. The light emanating from the digital screen affects the body badly. Research has found that using a mobile device before bedtime can cause problems like sleeping disorder.

Accident risk

Often you are busy on the phone while driving or crossing the road. According to WHO, research shows that traffic accidents are increasing with mobile users.

Heart problems

Radiation of cell phones is not only associated with cancer but also heart problems. A study published in the European Science Journal of Oncology has revealed that cell phones emit radiation, which causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin, Then, the hemoglobin accumulates in the body that could lead to health complications including heart disease or kidney stones


The problem of infertility in men has increased due to excessive use of phones. A research has shown that the sperm cell count in the semen of men using mobile phones has been found to be low, which increases the possibility of infertility.

Hearing loss

Today, earphones are fitted to the ears of every other man walking on the street. But this is not the only reason that the problem of hearing loss is increasing among youth and adults. Your mobile radiation is also a big reason, which is slowly deafening you. A study has reported that more than about 2 hours a day talking on the phone are experiencing hearing loss.

Weak eyes

Most of the people use mobile for reading e-books, web surfing etc. Especially when you are reading a small font on the bright screen of the mobile in the dark without blinking an eyelid, the radiations emanating from the mobile can make your eyes dry and red as well as cause irritation. It goes on and on.


You are not roaming only with your valuable data in mobile but also carry millions of infection organisms along. A study has found that people who use mobiles in the toilet are basically contaminated with faeces of the organisms. Due to which there are more chances of diseases like vomiting, diarrhea and skin infection. 


The level of stress increases very rapidly among those who are available 24/7 on mobile. So, next time you use mobile phone continuously, do think about it.


It has been said by the report of the World Health Organization that the radiation emanating from the mobile has a very bad effect on the health of the users which can lead to cancer.

Chhavi Aggarwal



  1. Well said, we need to minimize use of mobile as possible and keep it away from kids. This is the only reason why approx 50% kids start wearing glasses from 2nd or 3rd class.


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