Never make children do housework by luring money

Never make children do housework by 

luring money

Raising children is a different experience in itself. However, it is also involved in the world's most difficult processes. As children get older, they become more difficult to handle. It makes them equally challenging to do school and home related work. Children who do not show interest in them, often make them work by luring money. However, not all people consider such a method to be long term and ethically and morally correct. It is important to consider these aspects before adopting this strategy:

Should pay the child for every household job?

It is necessary that minor household chores should be done from a young age. The complexity of work can be increased with age. It can be started from the age of 6-7 years when it is right to entrust them with the responsibility of handling toys or their clothes.

When children slightly older, they can clean their room, cupboards and the table after having food. In adolescence, they can take up the task of dusting, cleaning the car, watering the plants or taking care of the pet.

If the child refuses to do such work, should you pay him money?

No! By doing household chores, the child learns to take responsibilities, take care of himself and manage his share of work among people. If you give him money for such a simple task, then he will consider it the right way and will not do any work without financial reward.

Should there be a reward for getting good marks in the exam?

Many parents promise gifts to children when they study. Sometimes it also proves to be effective. However, like minor household chores, it is the responsibility of the children to do homework and prepare for the exam. If for some reason, the child shows little interest in them, then it is necessary to convince them that it will be good for them to study and get good marks. Also, the strategy of giving gifts on getting good numbers cannot be adopted at all when you have more than one child.

Effect of paying children in the long term.

Generally, financial rewards are not able to motivate children for long. After some time, the children get tired of this process or start expecting a big reward. They will expect some kind of compensation to take up responsibilities when they grow up. 

However, you can do this for the purpose of teaching children how to earn money by hard work.

Chhavi Aggarwal






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