6 Ayurveda home remedies provide quick relief from Dehydration

During the summer, all of you must have felt that you feel very thirsty but even after drinking water, this thirst does not quench. In fact, this is due to the lack of water in the body.

discussed with Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Dehydration is a common summer disease. About one third water is present in our body. In the summer season, due to drinking less water and excessive sweating, the balance of water and salt in the body deteriorates due to which many problems start to occur. Although this problem can happen to people of any age group but mostly young children fall prey to it very quickly in this problem.

Why dehydration happens?

The cells in our body require oxygen to function smoothly and this oxygen we get from water. In such a situation, if there is a lack of water in the body, oxygen supply is affected and physical health starts deteriorating. If you don’t get treat dehydration at the right time, then later your difficulties may increase significantly.

Causes of Dehydration

There are many reasons of lack of water in body. Usually, the problem of dehydration occurs due to staying in the heat for too long and not drinking enough water during that time. Apart from this, due to prolonged exercise, frequent urination, high fever, frequent diarrhea and some other diseases, there may be a lack of water in the body.

Fast Facts about Dehydration

  • Around three-quarter of the human body is water.
  • The causes of dehydration include diarrhea, vomiting and sweating.
  • Individual more at risk of dehydration include athletes, people at higher altitudes, older adults and infants and children.

Early Symptoms of Dehydration

  • Dry mouth
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Irritable

Symptoms of Dehydration

When dehydration occurs, you feel thirstier and this thirst does not quench even after drinking water.

  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dry lips and tongue
  • Reduced urination
  • Constipation
  • Muscle spasms and pain
  • Severe fatigue
  • Loss of electrolytes (especially potassium and sodium).

Symptoms in Children of Dehydration

  • Sunken fontanel (Soft spot on the top the head)
  • Dry tongue and mouth
  • No tears when crying
  • No wet diaper for 3 or more hours
  • Sunken cheeks and eyes


Low blood volume - It occurs when low blood volume causes a drop in blood pressure and a drop in the amount of oxygen in your body. This can be life threatening.

Seizures – due to an imbalance of electrolytes

Kidney problems – kidney stone, kidney failure

Things to avoid

Avoid soda, alcohol, overly sweet drinks, or caffeine. These drinks can worsen dehydration.

Home Remedies for Dehydration

Drink more and more water. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Drink lemonade water, coconut water, shikanji or other nutrients beverages.

Eat fruits that high in water like watermelon, banana, musk melon, cucumber, papaya, oranges. Keep in mind that never eat chopped fruits as it increases the risk of infection.

In summer, at least one bowl of yogurt or buttermilk must be consumed daily. The good bacteria present in yogurt helps in keeping the body healthy, as well as there is no lack of water in the body due to the consumption of curd.

During exercise or gym, excessive amount of sweat is released from the body due to which there is a lack of electrolyte in the body. To compensate for this, after the exercise, drink fresh fruit juice.

Drink two three times ORS solution or mixture of salt and sugar at home in a day. This is also most effective home remedy for dehydration. Mixture of salt and sugar is more beneficial in low blood pressure situation and also fulfills sodium deficiency.

Ayurveda Remedy for Avoiding Dehydration

Along with home remedies, you can also adopt Ayurveda remedies to avoid dehydration. There are many medicines mentioned in Ayurveda, the use of which can reduce the effects of dehydration in the summer season. Some of the major measures are as follows.

Fennel seeds: Many times, due to diarrhea, such a large amount of water is released from the body that the patient becomes a victim of dehydration. In this case, fennel seeds prove to be very beneficial for them. According to Ayurveda, fennel extract is cold and helps eliminate bacteria responsible for diarrhea, which prevents the problem of dehydration. Patients who are suffering from dehydration can chew the fennel seeds after eating the food which not only removes the dryness of your mouth but also increases your thirst.

Dosage and method of intake: Heat one litre of water and add two spoons of fennel seeds. After cooling it, drink half a glass three to four times a day.

Tulsi panchang (whole tulsi plant) - There are many medicinal properties in basil and for this reason, it is used in the treatment of many diseases. According to religious beliefs, we worshiped this basil plant in our country. Due to dehydration, basil leaves play an important role in relieving stomach ache caused by dehydration. It helps in keeping the body temperature cool when dehydration occurs.

Dosage and method of intake First boil tulsi panchang (whole plant or tulsi leaves). Add one spoon of tulsi panchang in one glass of water and consume it three to four times in a day. Besides this, you can get easily basil essence in market. These are extracts of basil leaves. Mix two drops of basil extract in a cup of plain water and consume it twice a day.

Aloe vera and Amla - Aloe vera is a plant species with several medicinal and nutritional uses. The aloe plant is very water-dense, so it’s an ideal way to prevent or treat dehydration. Staying hydrated helps your body detox by providing a way for you to purge and flush out impurities.

Amla is a fibre-dense fruit which aids healthy bowel movement by keeping the gastrointestinal tract clean. Amla helps in reducing the blood sugar levels in the body and thus controls diabetes.

Dosage and method of intake Take 25ml aloe vera pulp and one spoon of amla powder/two spoon amla juice/two piece of amla. Mix it well in one glass of water and consume it two-three times in a day.

Hibiscus flower: The hibiscus flower has been considered very useful in Ayurveda. Hibiscus tea keeps you from many diseases. And when there is a lack of water in the body, it is very beneficial to consume it. It rapidly reduces the signs of dehydration.

Dosage and method of intake - Take a quarter cup of water, add one hibiscus flower and make tea by boiling it. Mix one teaspoon of aloe vera juice and one lemon in one cup of this tea and consume it three times daily in a day.

Sugarcane juice – There are huge amount of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and manganese found in sugarcane juice. Due to dehydration, there is a lot of deficiency of these nutrients in the body. Consuming sugarcane juice gives you all these electrolytes back.

Dosage and method of intake - Add half lemon, four to five leaves of mint and little amount of water in one glass of sugarcane juice and consume it two to three times a day.

NOTE – Diabetic patients do not drink sugarcane juice.

Giloy Juice : In most cases, the patient suffers from dehydration due to digestive infections. In this case, drinking Giloy juice is very beneficial. This increases the immunity power of the body and provides quick relief to the patient.

Dosage and intake method: Take 15 to 20 ml of fresh Giloy leaves juice and add one tea spoon of aloe vera juice. Mix it well and consume it once a day.

 Apart from adopting the measures mentioned above, make some important changes in your lifestyle to avoid dehydration.

Do not let small children play outside in the sun without needless.

In summer, take water, fruit juice, coconut water, lemonade etc. at regular intervals.

Even after adopting home remedies, if there is no decrease in the symptoms of dehydration, then contact the doctor immediately.

                                                                                                                        By Chhavi Aggarwal



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