We should detox our body on frequent basis

We should detox our body on frequent basis

Do you always experience lethargy? Do you suddenly get acne and pimples on your face? Are you feeling disturbed in your digestive system? If yes, then your body has become toxic.

Key to Understanding Women's Health and Nutrition – The Duke Perspective

Dirt is not only present around us, but it is also in our body. Due to this, many types of diseases like- stress, insomnia, cold and flu, indigestion, weight gain etc. are started. If they are not treated in time, then these common diseases can take serious forms. Therefore, knowing these common symptoms, it is necessary to treat them. Detoxification is called freeing, nourishing and relaxing the body from toxins.

Why should we detox our body?
Toxins are produced by our body as buy products of many bio chemical process and may tend to accumulate in our body and also food and air are not as pure as it should be. Everywhere are toxins, the food that we eat and the air that we breath. Everyday pesticides fertilizer is entering into our system through the food that we eat. Therefore, it’s extremely important to reduce or eliminate these toxins from the body on a frequent basis.
What happens when these toxins load and free radical present in our body?
Increase in toxin load and free radicals can disrupt call membranes, increase the many forms of cancer, heart disease, dementia, liver disease, asthma, damage the internal lining of your red blood vessels and stroke.
What are the key objectives of detox? What are we trying to achieve?
The ultimate goal of detox phase is to achieve
1 Reduce toxin elements from our body
2 Reduce internal inflammation
3 Re-establish healthy bacterial balance
Let’s understand three main causes and how its effects our body
1 Toxicity – If you go back to our past, the food, our grandparents ate is way different from what we eat now a days. Everybody know very well that your body is in weighted day to day basis, toxic through food pesticide, air polluted and usage of plastic container.
Yes, you heard it correct that through plastic container toxins are enter into our body. Our own body produces toxins as well called as endogenous toxins. Detox phase optimise the natural body filters that’s the kidney, liver, lungs, skin and digestive system so that both exogenous and endogenous toxins get eliminated from our body.
2 Internal inflammation- Internal inflammation is one of the major root causes of obesity and many other health conditions. Believe it or not internal inflammation neither painful nor visible to us. And this makes us more dangerous. It is a fire that is kept hidden by our immune system and is comeback food allergies, toxins and stress and all these problems make us more dangerous, but there is no antiseptic for the cure this it is caused by refined carbs, sugar, trans fat, too much of omega 6 fat, gluten, processed oil, etc. Apart from this obesity, internal inflammation can also cause common cold to cancer.

3 The third common factor gut bacteria imbalance. We have bacteria living in our body that are essential for our well-being. These micro-organisms are found in the lining of intestine and they help in breaking down and absorption of food. Now balance of these bacteria has to be maintain at 85:15. It means 85 percent has to be good bacteria and 15 percent to be bad bacteria.

Toxins block body functions. There are many methods of body detoxification and it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting any detox program.
Symptoms when your body full of toxins
•Staying tired all the time for no particular reason
•Skin itching or rash
• Many types of skin allergies are triggered.
• Mild symptoms of infection
• Getting swollen bags under the eyes
• Constipation problem
• Indigestion
• Abdominal pain
During detox phase what should we eat 
§  Food high in prebiotics – good food sources of prebiotic are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds and nuts.
§  Probiotic – good sources of probiotic are curd, buttermilk or any fermented food
§  Anti-oxidant rich food – bright coloured fruits and vegetables nuts, seeds, spices like turmeric and beverages like green tea.
§  Sprouts – are enhance in its nutrient’s quality and quantity. It is a source of many fighter chemicals and enzymes. Sprouts if eat regularly become the great source of anti-oxidant and essential nutrients and fibre.
§  Triphla – Triphla is known for as a body cleanser detox and blood purification.
§ Reduce sugar intake  
§  Drink more water
§  Exercise
§  Drink Green Tea
§  Make Meditation
§  Eat Green Vegetables
§  Eat Garlic
§  Eat Salad
During detoxification what should we avoided
§  Eliminate sugar and processed food.
§  Replace your junk food with healthy vegetables and fruits.
§  Avoid gluten – Some food contains gluten and that’s the reason some people cannot digest gluten. They suffer from mild to severe gluten intolerance.
Possible symptoms of gluten intolerance can be abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rashes, weight gain and inability to loose weight.  
§  Avoid lactose – Lactose is in the form of sugar and present in the milk and milk-based products. Similar to gluten, Consumption of lactose increase the digestive problem and diseases.
§  Meat – During detox, stay away from meat. Meat is hard for stomach to digest and might contain toxins which might impact the cleansing process.
§  Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.
Some side effects of detox
§  Bloating and heaviness - If you are not used to eat rich fibre food like legumes, vegetables, whole grains you might face bloating and heaviness. This is perfectly normal and there is nothing to worry.
§  Headache – Withdrawal of caffeine, sugar and alcohol. In some people might lead to headache. In that situation, you can have smaller portion of tea and coffee to avoid headache.
§  Constipation – Few people might experience of constipation because enough water does not consume along with high fibre diet. Fibre act as a sponge and absorb water intestine. To eliminate and push out the waste, enough water has to be consumed during detox phase.
If you adopt the above mentioned methods, the chances of accumulation of toxins in your body will be greatly reduced and your body will be healthier, more fit and fit.

Chhavi Aggarwal





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