Advantages and disadvantages of Desi Ghee in Ayurveda

Advantages and disadvantages of Desi Ghee in Ayurveda

If you think that eating ghee will increase obesity, then you must be surprised to know that according to Ayurveda, adding ghee in the diet is very beneficial for good health. This is why elderly people also keep advising on eating ghee. In fact, Ghee has so much importance due to its countless benefits. Consuming ghee is good for both physical and mental health. In this article, we are telling you in detail about the advantages, disadvantages of Ghee and the right way of eating Ghee. Let us know:

What is desi ghee

When butter is removed from milk then after heating the butter for a while, ghee is formed. Its colour is white or light yellow. Desi Ghee can be made from milk of either cow or buffalo. But cow's desi ghee is considered purer and more nutritious. Nowadays, you get the desi ghee of many companies like Patanjali, Amul etc. If you make desi ghee at home instead of eating canned desi ghee, then you will get more benefits.

Types of ghee

According to Ayurveda, the ghee that has been preserved for ten years is called "Old Ghee". Similarly, Ghee kept for 100 years is called "Kumbhgrit" and Ghee kept for more than 100 years is called "Mahagrit".

Although the smell of old ghee is quite intense, it is beneficial in epilepsy, fainting, malaria and diseases related to head, ear, eye and vagina.

Similarly, ghee prepared from cow and buffalo milk also has its own importance. However, compared to buffalo’s ghee, cow's ghee is considered more nutritious and tastier.

What ghee should not be eaten

Ghee kept in bronze vessel for ten days or more should not be eaten as it becomes poisonous. Similarly, if there is any bad smell from ghee, then do not consume that ghee.

Benefits of ghee

Consuming ghee is very beneficial for everyone from children to elders. Apart from giving strength to the body, it also enhances the immunity capacity of the body which prevents many types of diseases. Let us know about some of the major benefits of ghee like this:

Beneficial in mental diseases

Consuming ghee increases memory and logical ability. Similarly, it is considered beneficial in many mental diseases. However, before consuming it, please ask an Ayurvedic doctor about the right dosage.

Beneficial in fever

Many Ayurvedic experts believe that consuming ghee in fever provides relief.

Improve digestion

Weakening of digestive power means inviting many types of diseases. If your digestive power is weak, eating anything wrong can worsen digestive system immediately. Ayurveda states that consuming ghee strengthens digestive power. However, limited quantity of ghee should always be consumed.

Helpful in removing weakness

Consumption of ghee increases the strength of the body. Therefore, it is advisable to eat ghee to the weak. Those who work too hard or go to the gym should also consume ghee regularly. Must include ghee in the diet of infants, because of which they develop both mentally and physically.

Beneficial in cough

Coughing is a common problem, but if it lasts for a long time, it is important to treat it. There are many reasons for coughing. According to Ayurvedic experts, consuming ghee is beneficial in the case of cough. You must also try this home remedy to cure cough.

Improve sperm quality

A decrease in sperm count and quality can have an impact on the health of the child being born. Consumption of ghee improves the quality of sperm. To improve the quality of sperms, take medical advice before consuming ghee.

Beneficial in TB

TB is a serious disease and it is very important to get it treated at the right time. According to Ayurveda, consuming ghee is beneficial for TB patients. However, for the treatment of TB, do not rely only on home remedies, but go to the doctor at regular intervals and get yourself checked.

Beneficial for heart

These days, refined oil advertisements give a lot of attention to the health of the heart. But they do not know that eating desi ghee of cow keeps the heart very healthy. It prevents the heart drains from getting blocked and also provides you with omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids.

Beneficial in weight gain

Cow ghee is considered highly beneficial. If you want to increase your weight then you should consume cow's ghee. Those who do not gain weight should regularly consume cow's ghee. It removes physical debility and also helps to make lean body and dry skin good.

Beneficial for eyes

In Ayurvedic treatment, cow's desi ghee is used for the eyes, where a paste of flour is applied around your eyes and in the middle, they are filled with desi ghee. It is said to open and close a person's eyes and Ayurveda says that this process strengthens the eye power.

Beneficial in migraine

If you have a migraine problem. In a migraine, half your head hurts. So, in migraine you should consume desi ghee. You should put two to three drops of desi ghee in your nose daily.

How to Eat Ghee

  • Ghee is very nutritious as well as being a nutritious diet. You can take it with lentils or vegetables. If you are fond of lentils, then by adding a spoon of desi ghee to the lentils, eating it increases the taste of lentils even more.
  • By adding desi ghee to hot soup, its taste doubles.
  • If your head is aching, then you will drink half a teaspoon of desi ghee in warm milk before going to bed at night, then the milk will taste delicious and your headache will also go away.
  • In winter, you can eat panjiri of desi ghee and you will enjoy .
  • Desi ghee can be eaten in breakfast in the morning by applying it on roti or parantha.
  • Mixing one spoon of desi ghee in sugar and eating it with chapatti gives immense benefits.

 Side Effects of Desi Ghee

  • Ghee is a fat, so if you want to lose weight, then in this case do not consume more ghee. If you are overweight and want to lose weight, then consume ghee in very small quantity.
  • Consumption of ghee can also increase the weight of a pregnant woman and her baby more than usual.

  • Drinking too much ghee in milk can also upset your stomach or cause diarrhea.
  • If you feel that you have eaten more ghee then do not eat anything until the ghee is completely digested. For this, you can consume lukewarm water every half an hour.
  • Ghee should never be eaten with honey. This can prove to be fatal for you.
  • Overeating of ghee can cause indigestion and loose-motion problems.
  • Ghee is beneficial for pregnant women before labor pain, but it can be fatal in the beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, avoid eating ghee in the first few months of pregnancy.


Do not consume desi ghee in excess amount because excess amount of ghee can worsen your digestion. If you want to use ghee as a home remedies for a disease, then first you should consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

Chhavi Aggarwal



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