Each child should know the Dining etiquette

 Each child should know the Dining Etiquette

Our way of talking, sitting and walking, everything is depend on our upbringing and education. When you go out anywhere then you always carry your rites together. Everybody notice that how are you talking with others, how’s your sitting way and most of the important thing is that what are types of dining etiquette in you.

Often, you think whatever you will teach to your children they will follow, but it does not happen. You are following the manners in every sense but your children are not following. Sometime you feel angry but if you will think deeply about it, you are responsible for this somewhere. If you keep them properly attached to the rules of etiquette from the beginning, it will be good. Let us expand our information on table etiquettes a little further in this sequence.

Explain with love

The language of love is very easy to understand. This applies to everyone. Whether it is a child or a grown up. If you start giving advice to your child in strict manner, then they will not listen to you. And in this way the bitterness in the relationship increases. If anything is told to them with love, they understand it and fulfill it. So, keep your love language constant with the children.

Explain the importance of etiquettes

Children can understand the importance of talk only when you tell them about its benefits. They will also enjoy learning when they get to know the good things related to manners. Etiquette does not mean rigorous discipline, rather it is to explain the rules well. Children will need to introduce you to the good results of Dining Etiquettes. This will also increase their eagerness and they will be able to understand you in a better way.


First of all, we should tell our children how to sit at the table, they should explain it properly because children do not forget the things learned in early childhood.

Do not talk while eating

If you see someone eating food while talking, then how bad you feel. If such a habit happens to your children, then there is no good impression in front of others. Keep your children away from this habit. It is the first place of Dining Etiquettes.

Habit to sit on one place

Mostly children are not used to sitting in one place. Rather, they eat food while running around and playing. This is the fun of childhood, but this kind of carelessness is not good everywhere. Children should definitely get into the habit of sitting and eating food in a quiet place. This also increase their understanding and interest in taste.  

Eat cleanly

Children do everything by considering it as a game. The order of eating food is also like a game for them. Sometimes drop something on clothes, sometimes drop something on the table. It is fine at home, but if the children do it outside then they feel embarrassed. It is not entirely the children's fault. It is our responsibility to rectify their habit.

Wash hands before and after eating

Children come from outside and eat something without washing their hands. This habit in terms of manners cannot be considered good in terms of health as well. Once they are not habituated, then they will always eat anything without washing his hands.

Do not make sound from utensils

Many older people also have this habit. Tuck the spoons out of the pot, keeping them out loud. Such things are not good for your personality. If you go to a hotel and restaurant and do it there, you become a laughing stock in front of others. In children also, you should inculcate the same habit from the beginning so that it maintains the manners even outside.

Do not leave food on the plate

Not only children should adopt this habit, but the elders also should. Leaving food on the plate is considered a sign of discourtesy. Just think that there are some people in the world who do not even get enough food, do not let this habit ever flourish in your children.

Teach praise

By the way, this habit is considered to be the gift of the British. But there is no harm in adopting it. It is a good habit to thank a host for their feast and to praise the food. You must put this in your children.

Right use of utensils

Tell the children how to use utensils in table manners, tell them how to hold a fork and spoon, which spoon should be used with soup and which spoon will be used for eating desserts and vegetables. Tell them to use a small bowl for a thin gravy vegetable and also give information about the plate.

Wait for turn

Also tell them that when food is being served, do not make noise by speaking to me first. They will also be given food when their turn comes.

Take in little amount of food

If the children are taking food by themselves, then explain to them that the food should be added to the plate only a little bit. If they want to eat more then they can take.

Drink slowly

Many children have a habit of drinking water very quickly, due to which it looks bad and clothes also get wet. Due to this, they can also get confused. So, tell them that no matter how thirsty, drink the water comfortably.

Use always right hands

Also tell the children that always use the right hand to take anything and also use the same hand for eating food. When the child takes the food in his plate, take it very carefully and keep in mind that the food should not fall on the table.

Wait for elders

The most important thing in table manners is that if everyone is eating together, then the elders should wait to start eating

Do not talk while eating

You should not speak too much while eating food, because there is a fear of stucked the food.

Throw disposal in garbage box

If the food is being eaten in a disposable vessel, do not throw it away and place it in the garbage box itself.

Do not allow to watch T.V. while eating

Do not let him watch television while eating, this will make him forget his manners and will take too much time to eat.

Keep eaten utensils in basin

The most important thing, children should get into the habit of picking up their eaten utensils automatically and keeping them in the basin.

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 By Chhavi Aggarwal



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