
Showing posts from May, 2021

Chia seeds eliminate diseases from root

As soon as the name of chia seed is used, a picture of small black colored grains is formed in our mind. Chia seed is also called a  super food . If it is consumed in the right amount daily, then your weight will be reduced rapidly and at the same time you can get rid of many types of diseases. So, let's know the 10 best benefits related to the consumption of chia seed and how to include them in the diet. Including chia seed in your diet will never be a wrong decision. Mexico's super food chia seed is very beneficial for health in many ways. From this, we get enough amount of phosphorus, protein, fiber, calcium, manganese, magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids. Chia seed not only helps in reducing weight but also provides a great relief to the people who are suffering from chronic constipation problem. Its demand at the international level was there from the beginning but now its demand in India is also increasing every day. Chia seed demand is more among those people, who take c

6 Ayurveda home remedies provide quick relief from Dehydration

During the summer, all of you must have felt that you feel very thirsty but even after drinking water, this thirst does not quench. In fact, this is due to the lack of water in the body. discussed with Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dehydration is a common summer disease. About one third water is present in our body. In the summer season, due to drinking less water and excessive sweating, the balance of water and salt in the body deteriorates due to which many problems start to occur. Although this problem can happen to people of any age group but mostly young children fall prey to it very quickly in this problem. Why dehydration happens? The cells in our body require oxygen to function smoothly and this oxygen we get from water. In such a situation, if there is a lack of water in the body, oxygen supply is affected and physical health starts deteriorating. If you don’t get treat dehydration at the right time, then later your difficulties may increase significantly. Causes of Dehydration